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Friday, August 18, 2023

The state is unlikely to bail out West Virginia University

The state is unlikely to bail out West Virginia University


While lawmakers are aware of the significant budget cuts at West Virginia University, they are not proposing extra state cash to alleviate the suffering.

Michael Oliverio

Senators Mike Oliverio and Mike Caputo, who represent the area that includes the Morgantown campus of the University of Maryland, issued a joint statement on Friday.

? They acknowledged how difficult the process is

"We must keep in mind that the University's decision-making process is more than just a numbers game for profit; this scenario affects actual people and their families." It impacts the fundamental fabric of our community," stated Republicans Oliverio and Caputo.

Michael Caputo

However, the two senators believe the shift is unavoidable.

According to Allen of the Center on Budget and Policy, the general spending level requires context.

"This year's allocation of $116.5 million to WVU's general administration budget is $14 million less than the $130.8 million they received a decade ago, which would be more than $172 million in inflation-adjusted 2023 dollars." "That's a 32.5 percent fall in inflation-adjusted state financing for WVU, greatly exceeding the university's 11 percent enrollment decline over approximately the same period," she noted.

Senate Finance Chairman Eric Tarr, R-Putnam, stated that the state has not provided greater financial assistance to WVU during its difficulties because institutions must make difficult decisions.

He agreed that keeping state spending constant has resulted in a longer-term decline in financial support, especially when inflation rates are included.

"Everyone has heard us talk about having four"

"We are aware of some of the decisions made by the University administration."

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